The website can be accessed at the following address:
The website’s owner is Sandrine Biard domiciled in France (rue Daru, 75008 Paris). Sandrine Biard is also the publishing director of the website and can be contacted to the following email address:
The website is hosted by Infomaniak whose registered office is located at the following address: 25 Rue Eugène-Marziano, CH – 1227 Genève – Suisse.
Are considered as users (hereinafter « users ») all Internet users who browse, read, view and use the website.
Viewing, browsing and use of the website and the services it offers are governed by these Terms and Conditions of Use. Use of the website implies full and entire acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
The owner reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the website and these Terms and Conditions of Use, in particular to adapt to the evolutions of the website by the provision of new functionalities or the deletion or modification of existing functionalities.
Users are therefore invited to consult these Terms and Conditions of Use regularly to note any changes made to them and ensure familiarity with the version in force at the time of their visit to the website.
Access to the website
Access to the website and its use are open to persons who have reached the age of majority. Any use of the website by minors shall be entirely under the responsibility of their parent or legal guardian.
Moreover, Vistaword (Sandrine Biard) shall do its utmost to ensure the website is accessible to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nevertheless, Vistaword (Sandrine Biard) may suspend, limit or interrupt access to the website or to some of its pages in order to make updates, changes to its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the website.
The website’s publisher is only liable for the content she has published herself.
The website’s publisher is not liable for:
Users are liable for :
In particular, the user acknowledges that information transmitted or stored on the website may be intercepted or altered outside the control of the website. The user is strongly advised to take all necessary precautions to prevent the effects of hacking, particularly by ensuring the secure and adequate configuration of his computer system, by installing virus detection software and by regularly updating that software.
Intellectual Property
The general structure of the website and all its contents, such as trademark, graphical charter, texts, illustrations, as well as all IT applications which may be used to enable the website to function and, more generally, all elements reproduced or used on the website, are protected by the applicable intellectual property laws and are the property of Sandrine Biard.
Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, exploitation and/or distribution in full or in part, of the website and/or any of its elements, without prior written permission from Sandrine Biard, is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement as punished by articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Links to other websites
This website doesn’t contain any link to other websites. Any links to this website are prohibited without the explicit prior permission of Sandrine Biard.
Applicable law
These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law.
VISTAWORD © 2020 Made in France by Babel communication